According to the TSA, Obama, and Big Sis there isn’t any better way to handle airport security than the current methods employed. Sadly many Americans have come to agree with them. Statements of “They have to scan us and pat us down to keep us safe are common”. It amazes me how quickly and easily a people will give up their freedoms and liberties. If I would have told any of you 10 years ago that strangers would fondle your genitalia looking for “whatever” you’d have said I was insane. If they would have told me how easily Americans would submit I would have called them insane. Now, because I think they have gone to fare there are those that think that I am insane. Well let me remain insane but let me do so without the government seeing me naked or touching my junk.
How is it that a people who can find their way to the moon and back, who can find cures for all sorts of ailments cannot find a way to sort out evil entering our country? Well we can. We have been told that it must be done under the TSA or Napolitano’s rules. It must be politically correct and offend no foreigner. It can offend and degrade every American just no foreigners. Excuse me. This is my country and I will fight for my liberty as long as I am able. The 4th Amendment of the Constitution guarantees me:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
My government doesn’t currently think much of my rights. One might argue that this government is not really my government, not the one that bids loyalty to the Constitution of These United States. I propose that they are but a shadow of the real thing with intent and purpose to subordinate me to comply with their wishes. Not as long as I breathe. I am not alone in this nor do I see this deceptive ploy of “protecting me” as legitimate. Will it be legitimate when they employ these same rules on shoppers in a mall or those strolling down the streets? Is it such a far leap to go from groping granny in the airport to scanning children entering schools? Surely there is danger in the schools, and in the streets and everywhere. Will you think it okay when they call you from your home or job and ask you to comply with their harmless scans? What will you say when they determine that these scanners will make subways safer? Will you still see nothing wrong with their intentions?
America I implore you to realize that in just a few weeks the government went from having their hands in your pockets to in your pants. There is little that can stop them but you. I do not have all of the ways that they could prevent terror to arrive on our shores. I do know a ruse when I see it.
Good one Ken.
ReplyDeleteI think it is time for civil disobedience.
That is a good one. Thanks Ken!
ReplyDeleteExcellent blog. Keep up the good work, and I hope you consider following mine as well.
ReplyDeleteFrom Manik blue (France)
ReplyDeleteJ'ai posté un commentaire sur une de vos pages.
J'ai adhérer à votre blog par sympathie, car nous avons tous besoin de soutien mutuel dans cette triste époque.
Je suis solidaire de vos réflexions. Mais ne perdez pas courage, de grandes choses se préparent.
Bien cordialement,
Military pilot who had sex with an 11 year old boy when he was 17!!!
ReplyDeleteA JUNIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL WHO HAD SEX WITH AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT!!! He needs to be on a sexual preditor list.
And how long did he masterbate and think about having sex with boys? In boot camp? Into his flight training?
"This person's disturbed." In fact.
You should have seen what he did to his younger brothers from age 5-8.
His peers have interesting things to say about him as well.